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Channeling the CCHI - 1 - Breath


Cardano Community Health Initiative/CCHI

First Issue

Cardanian's Breathe - Take 5 to Thrive

Hello and welcome to the first issue of Cardano Community Health Initiative/CCHI. CCHI is produced to be of service, and give back, in ways of health, happiness, improved personal energy and vitality to all of you who work so hard to create, support and maintain Cardano; Cardano Foundation, Emurgo, IOHK, Stake Pool Operators, active Forum Community Members, ADA enthusiasts, and more.

breath blue sky

Each of us has a purpose and a drive in our lives that keeps us moving forward, seeking to fulfill what is inherently within us. We are all born with gifts and talents, character traits and thought processes, which are unique and necessary in their individuality in order to achieve a totality working with others.

Every one of us contributes to the development of the ecosystem in some way, and Cardano has brought us together. No matter how small or large our contributions are, we are all hopeful for the future, and cheering each other on. This is what community is.

To keep a community spirit of abundance and support of each other, we also need to ensure we are keeping our own spirit supported.  Our mind's and body's health feeds the spirit inside producing new ideas, sense of accomplishment, happiness, hopefulness, positive perspective, and personal and professional growth.

How do we keep up mind, body, spirit; that is, how do we keep going and stay healthy in the process of so much work to do? 
breathe clear lungsBreath. Pranayama. Chi. 
We lose our breath while working. It becomes shallow and forgotten. Yet, without breath there is no life. It is our essence of existence. We can revive our breath, in turn reviving our personal energy and output. (We couououould say we I/O the breath for rejuvenation ;)
Can you do me a favour, please? 
Set timer for 5 min. Take 5 now (sure, now is good) to simply breathe.
Close your eyes. 
Count to 4 - breathing in.
Count to 4 - breathing out. (5, 6, 7, 8 if you can without strain)
Continue until your timer chimes.
Thoughts will come and go through the mind. Do not attach to them. Keep directing your focus to simply counting the breath in 4, out 4. If you like visual, picture the breath moving in and up from belly to forehead during inhalation, and moving down from forehead to belly during exhalation.
See how that feels. See how your overall sense of well-being feels once your timer goes off.

breath sunset
Breath is our life force. Breath is our sustaining source. 
Just as we drink water and eat food to energize and survive, it's important to feed ourselves with intentional breath to thrive. 
Thank you for joining me to breathe and recover clarity.  Now, grab some water and get back to work on those amazing systems and plans :)

To your health and happiness, 


  1. If you enjoyed any part of this, please share with others who you feel may benefit.

  2. It's always good to remember to take time to clear our thoughts and mind everyday. Good , reminder and thank you for this iniciative, I'd like to hear more about this.

    1. You're welcome, Tomas. Thank you for taking some time for yourself. :)


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